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Refresh Junior - Teen Counselling

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Refresh Junior - Teen Counselling

Being a teenager these days can be complicated at best.  With the changing demands, the desire to define self, while also trying to navigate social needs and understand the social cues is not easy.  As parents, we can read the information available in self-help books and the plethora of psychology websites, we might even try to walk a mile in their shoes to understand them better, but let's be honest - navigating the challenges and struggles our teens face can be overwhelming, for them and for us.

Realizing that your teen is going through a rough patch, maybe exhibiting unusual behaviour, or simply needs a little guidance or support doesn't mean you are a terrible parent, or that you have failed your teen.  Seeking counseling for your teen when they are struggling and you do not know how to help is the most nurturing and loving thing you can do.

Our team of psychologists at Refresh Counseling has a wide range of experience supporting teens in a number of venues, situations, and emotions.  Our team works hard to create a space for your child to share their struggles, explore their feelings, and develop strategies that help them focus on their own mental health and well-being.

How Counselling Can Help Your Teen

Teen Counselling focuses on helping them explore circumstances, situations, and feelings and make sense of the world around them and their own bodies and minds.  Those who are struggling to overcome obstacles to mental well-being are not “broken”, deficient, and they are most certainly not beyond help.

When youth are experiencing anxiety, emotional or behavioural problems, stress, depression; any obstacle that is impairing their ability to function, develop, and be happy, therapy can be an amazing tool for growth. Some common issues that Child Counselling can address are:

  • Sexual Abuse
  • Emotional Abuse
  • Physical Abuse
  • ADHD
  • Adjustment to New Circumstances
  • Anxiety & Depression
  • Body Image
  • Boundaries
  • Bullying
  • Depression
  • Divorce
  • Eating Issues
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Substance Abuse
  • Fear
  • Grief & Loss
  • Perfectionism
  • Phobias
  • Self-Esteem
  • Sleep Problems
  • Social Skills
  • Friendships/Relationships
  • Witnessing Trauma
  • Experiencing Trauma

When your child is struggling with challenges and displaying concerning and uncharacteristic behaviours, seeking treatment early can be key for helping your child be the healthiest they can be. When children learn how to effectively navigate difficulties and they develop techniques to manage stress, anxiety, and emotions at a young age, those are strategies that can serve them for a lifetime. Seeking professional help can teach your child that it is okay to ask for support and that there are people who want to help them be happy and successful.

Book Online with Ease

Meet Jane… our virtual booking and billing assistant. Jane makes it easy for you to book new and manage your existing appointments through an easy-to-use and intuitive app.

You will receive reminders and notifications of upcoming sessions. Jane lets you manage your payments and insurance claims online. And Jane facilitates virtual sessions with your therapist with the click of a link.

We are thrilled to have Jane on the team at Refresh Counselling!

Guiding Our Children To Mental Well-Being

At Refresh Counselling, we have Psychologists trained to work with teenagers to provide a safe space to talk and are skilled in teaching youth techniques and strategies to cope with difficult situations and to manage their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. We also work with parents to gain understanding and to share ways of fostering better communication for stronger parent-child relationships. Some of the techniques our team may use are:

Play Therapy:  When used in the right situations, this can be incredibly beneficial for teenagers - despite the misconception that it's primarily for younger children.  By using this medium, it allows a safe place for teens to express and explore feelings, process complex emotions, and learn coping techniques.  It can also help explore their identity and relationship, express self-expression and creativity, as well as process any underlying trauma.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT): skills-based therapy to help teens understand how their thoughts, emotions and actions can work together to cope, regulate emotions, make changes, accomplish goals, and thrive.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) For Children: evidence-based therapy that allows youth to access negative emotions and process traumas to create space for healing to occur.

Cultivating an environment where children can have an opportunity to explore difficult circumstances, challenging emotions, and to establish mechanisms to process and manage their own feelings and behaviours will create resiliency and adaptability that will serve them throughout their lives. And when parents have acknowledged their child’s struggles and helped them find a resolution, they send a message of worth, compassion, and support. This can help give children the confidence they need to foster mental health and well-being.

Find The Best Fit With A Complimentary Consultation

Your journey towards mental health through therapy can begin with a complimentary 20-minute consultation at Refresh Counselling. This is an opportunity to meet with a psychologist to find out more about the process and share some of your goals and challenges to see if it’s a good fit. The most successful counseling outcomes begin with the confidence that your therapist can understand your obstacles and create a safe place for you to explore, gain understanding, and develop skills for coping and resilience.

Consultations can be done either In Person or Virutally!  Just find a time that's convenient to you.

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Fostering Resilient and Healthy Kids

If you are concerned that your teen is struggling to cope with difficult situations and overwhelming emotions, our team at Refresh Counselling can help you and your child explore and process these challenges and develop strategies to overcome them. Some common signs that your child may need help with are:

  • Uncharacteristic behaviour
  • Declining grades or acting out at school
  • Drastic changes in eating and sleeping habits
  • Extreme sadness, anger, or moodiness
  • Elevated fear, worry, and anxiety
  • Signs of substance abuse
  • Withdrawing or isolating themselves
  • Engaging in self-harm or other destructive behaviour
  • Displaying a significant loss of confidence or self-worth

These are just some of the indicators that your child may need the expertise of a psychologist. But, of course, you know your child best - trust your instincts. If you are concerned about your teen's mental health and well-being our team can help your child explore whatever may be bothering them and guide your child to build skills to improve their resilience. Contact our office to book your complimentary consultation.

Book online now in Jane, our virtual system, or contact us!

What We Do

Refresh Counselling psychologists specialize in Individual Counselling, Couples Counselling, Child & Youth Counselling, and Family Counselling. Our safe and judgement-free therapy spaces are conveniently located off Crowchild Trail NW in The Village in the community of Brentwood.

If you are considering counselling to help you overcome the challenges in your life and to find healing and wellness, you can read more about our tailored approaches to therapy here:

Children & Teen Counselling FAQs

Sometimes the best way to introduce the idea of counselling to your child is just to simply ask them if they would like some help navigating the difficulties they are experiencing. If your child is fearful or resistant, you can support them with reassurance that they will be safe and that they will feel better for participating. Discuss more specific strategies for helping your child get the most out of their sessions with the psychologist at your Initial Parent Session.

The first counselling session (or consultation) will often be with the parents only. This will give our clinicians a chance to ask questions about the concerns and challenges your child is struggling with, seek insight into the personality and behaviours of your child, and understand the family dynamics as they relate to the issues at hand. But you will also play an important role throughout the process as you come to a deeper understanding of your child and support their healing and growth.

Your Partner In Wellness

Your Partner In Wellness

Refresh Counselling is committed to providing the most elevated mental health services to our patients in at either of our locations in Calgary and across Alberta. We promise to meet you where you are, provide insight and a safe space, and help you get to where you want to be. Take advantage of our complimentary consultation to connect with a psychologist who can be your expert guide as you journey towards mental health and well-being. Book now in Jane, our virtual system.

Gain Clarity... Find Wellness

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